Monday, February 20, 2023

My Mistress

 On the chestnut path, the sun shone brightly through the blossoming trees. Kai rode his bike towards his apartment on this warm spring day, but it was starting to get a little chilly. He spent the final 30 minutes taking in the lovely weather after a quiet day at work. He was already anticipating his nighttime reading for today. He had just purchased a copy of SM magazine that was particularly thick with personal ads. He was very attracted to reading ads from dominatrixes seeking a slave. The excitement was high, as it usually is. It's possible that there was a woman looking for a slave somewhere in Germany or abroad. Someone she could do whatever she wanted with and who was hers.
He frequently questioned what would occur if he responded to such an advertisement. He had even started to write devotional letters of prayer. He has, however, never been able to decide whether or not to actually send one to the advertising woman.
But he had made the decision today to respond impulsively to a personal ad. He eagerly anticipated reading through the fascinating, colorful pages while sitting in the inviting living room. He finally went to bed and eagerly examined the displays. His dismay increased after reading the first few pages. The majority of the time, men placed the ads. You were either searching for a mistress or a slave. only on rare occasions advertised women. Most of them were professionals. The magazine also included advertisements like ", which was the cherry on top. Who the hell would fall for such an ad? A dominatrix who was really looking for a slave would not ask for money in the first letter; instead, she would write right away with DM 40,- or my curse will hit you! What print advertisements could Kai still believe?
Another advertisement appeared as he turned the pages. It was the sole instance of its kind, as he later learned: "Young long-haired mistress is looking for foot slaves. He ought to be aware of what it means to become his mistress's property. Experience is beneficial. Nothing to do with money!".
Kai found it intriguing. His desire to get to know this woman grew. Despite his lack of experience, Kai had a strong desire to work as a bondservant for a woman. He gave the potential repercussions of losing his freedom abruptly and overnight some brief thought. That worry was quickly disregarded, though. What might occur if he wrote to her. This woman would probably not select a low-paid clerk like him anyway, given the abundance of available slaves.
Kai was incredibly enquisitive. And even if she decides otherwise, what kind of a woman was this lady? She might nonetheless respond to him. He sat down at his desk and started writing a letter that he had previously written multiple times but never sent. He wrote a lengthy letter in which, with great humility, he declared that women were the dominant sex. He offered to enrich her life as her sole property by working as a foot slave. He already made it clear that he wasn't wealthy, just to be clear. He placed the sealed letter-in-an-envelope in the mailbox the following day.
When Kai passed his mailbox on the way home from work in the years that followed, there was always a strange tension in the air. But a long period of time passed with no correspondence from this woman for him. Without a doubt, she made another choice. Kai stopped thinking of her in that way after two weeks, but then a letter that wasn't like the others showed up in his mailbox. The sender's name and address were written by hand. The northern Ruhr region is where the letter was sent. There was only one surname listed in the address field: "Neuberger.".
The boy's hands were trembling. He entered his apartment from the second floor and put his clothes on before lying down on his bed. He eagerly opened the letter and read the letter's contents.
"Slave Kai, before I make you my slave, you are granted the grace of this message to inform you about the impending slavery right at the beginning! you get a chance from me The main factor in my favoring decision is your submissive inclination. Now let's talk about me, your mistress: I'm a young, attractive, slim, long-haired student who is currently enrolled in her fourth semester. Well, you should know that I have no interest in building a sizable slave stable if you really want to be my slave on a voluntary basis. I'd rather make a long-lasting friendship with a real slave. I've decided that I might take you on despite the fact that many have applied; I chose my favorite based on special accomplishments. I only train a humble and truly gifted slave, and you know what a special privilege this is. I also demand complete subordination and unwavering obedience from you. I've scheduled a meeting for March 10th (Tuesday), 6:30 p.m., to get to know you better. m. I need you, slave Kai, to arrive at our appointment by March 9 at the latest (I value punctuality!!!). Verify in writing. Tuesday will be canceled if I don't hear from you by then. You must now decide whether to take advantage of my exceptional opportunity. So, now on your knees, my slave Kai! Kiss my letter and send your short message to me. (It is absolutely necessary that you completely follow my instructions in order to develop a long-term friendship.). You're mistress. ".
The letter was extremely encouraging. Apparently, this lady wanted to give him a second chance. He hadn't expected a good choice, but what should he do now? But if not, he most likely wouldn't get another chance like this so quickly in his life. He was 24 years old. Such a woman had always been in his dreams. The appointment was confirmed as requested, and he decided to stick by his letter.
The days went by. Since he was unable to focus on his work at all, his time in the office turned into a torment. He was too enthused about what lay ahead.
Day X then arrived. After finishing his shift, Kai sat in his car. The north-south axis was still driven in a southerly direction, but this time he did not. He now made a direct route to the small community to the east, where the unidentified woman who had written to him resided. The more frantic he became, the more he wondered what would she look like, the closer he came to his goal. He turned off the main road and entered a lovely housing estate in his car. He had carefully examined every detail of the city map. As a result, he unexpectedly found himself on the aforementioned street. He parked, took a look around after getting out. There were a few high-rise structures on the right side of the street. Finally, he located the correct house number there. He entered the front yard by circling the building.
It was 6:20 p.m. m. He had ten minutes left. He had precisely calibrated his watch at home to the time. The time elapsed. His agitation level was increasing. The front door immediately buzzed after he excitedly rang the bell at the given address. He rushed up the stairs after entering. He could feel his heart beating like a jackhammer. On her door was an envelope with red writing on it. Take the letter and read it right away without picking up the phone!
The letter was taken out of the envelope by him. The woman explained why she had to change the interview date in her letter. She also indicated the second envelope at the same time. There were used socks inside that Kai had to worship at home. Kai was instructed to list his typical home hours on the note that was enclosed.
Instantaneously, his excitement vanished. He felt a tiny bit of relief along with a tiny bit of disappointment. He must have had some fear, but it has since been dispelled. Awaiting his return home, he was eager. He would sniff her socks there after opening the envelope. He understood why he would be her slave. Without him, she wouldn't go to all that trouble. Furthermore, a mistress being permitted to move her slave was probably a given. A slave had no rights. He then left after dropping the note and pen in her mailbox as directed and went downstairs.
A few days elapsed. After that, his bell rang repeatedly for a while Phone. Due to how infrequently he received calls, Kai was truly surprised. Hearing the voice on the other end made him feel as though he had been struck by lightning.
"Yes, my servant; this is your mistress speaking. You must be down on your knees at this point. ".
Kai was trembling from head to toe. For a student, her voice had a relaxed, slightly older tone. She was completely unfazed, unlike Kai. She also came off as incredibly assured and knowledgeable. His affirmative reply came out dejectedly. She inquired about the letter. In accordance with the directive, Kai acknowledged reading it and worshipped the socks.
I really want to believe that you also put them in your slave mouth if you just adored her, you know.
Yes, Mistress; I have. His speech was stiff and flat. He only hesitantly nodded in agreement as this woman spoke, saying, "Yes, mistress. ".
After that, the woman gave Kai a mandate to spend at least 10 minutes each day adoring her stockings. She spoke in a friendly yet firm tone. For them, Kai had to adhere to their rules and regulations without fail. She bid her slave farewell in a particularly endearing manner but didn't provide a new performance date.
Moments passed. Kai went about his daily business, wondering what would happen. Furthermore, he struggled mightily to concentrate at work. He was too much in control of his fantasies about the powerful woman who had called him at home.

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