Saturday, February 18, 2023

Lack of money leads to feminization


1. learning about one another.

I'm a 26-year-old man with a lot of issues, and it's the week before Christmas in 2013, and I'm once again short on cash. Never before have I had such severe financial problems. I'm so broke that I've already started stealing food in the early days of December. Which cannot end well in the long run, so I devised a strategy that is both easy to execute and brilliant. Because of this festival for the wealthy in our city tonight, everyone with rank, name, and money, of course, is present. Fortunately, I am also familiar with a villa thanks to my work as a gardener. I'll attack there later; a wealthy couple resides there alone, without any helpers or kids. Let's head to the villa because this is ideal.

I wait in the villa's garden hedge after arriving. Before they departed with their large sled and the lights went out, they lingered for a while. There is still the former staff entrance even though the windows, front door, garden door, and terrace door are all alarm-secured. This door was overlooked when the alarm system was installed because it is somewhat hidden behind a bush and only becomes visible after you have looked three times. My opportunity to enter is there. So put on your gloves and start working. I check the wall, door, and bushes in that order. Hit! - I need to get into the kitchen right away because there's an old, rusted key hanging in the bush. Then quickly spread some bread with butter and made some cocoa. I quickly clean up and begin looking around the house for valuables after getting some much-needed energy. I'm taking my time even though I'm a little anxious and tense because I know the event will last a while. I quickly searched every room on the first floor, but all I found was silver cutlery. I then went upstairs to a study, where I discovered what I was looking for: three laptops. I then moved on to the next room, a bedroom with a walk-in closet. When I enter the closet, I can tell by the clothes inside that they are for women. A real fur coat, pricey silk underwear, and a brand-new, expensive perfume are all in the closet. Therefore, it is advisable to keep everything that can be turned into cash. A violet sports bag that arrives just in time for me to put all of my loot in is the other thing that comes along. Off I go with the bag to the next room, but what's that? - Sounds? - Now? It can't be, they're back way too soon! Damn the front door! I rush to a window and want to flee with my loot because the alarm system is probably off by this point. But that won't work because all of the upstairs windows have locks and aren't connected to the system. Therefore, sneak down the stairs with the bag on the back and to. However, I am unable to reach the door; instead, my bag is pulled from me as I stand outside the door. The woman of the house says, "Hello! Could it be that we both own the same bag?" and as she dumps the bag in front of my eyes, my heart sinks into my pants. She then grabs my ear and commands me to smile. "Then there's a flash. The man snaps a photo of the loot with me and the woman while she pulls my ear. Oh my goodness, I suddenly have a lot of thoughts, including prison and other things.
I'm currently seated on the floor and unable to move due to my shaking, but I can see that the two of them are conversing. The woman then approaches me and offers the following proposition: If I temporarily loan her my smartphone, she will permit me to leave at this point and refrain from calling the police. I concur with her and hand over my phone because there is nothing else I can do at this time. She takes one of the laptops, plays around with the cell phone for a bit, then the laptop, the cell phone once more, the laptop once more, and then I get my cell phone back. She quickly walks away without saying a word, adding the melancholy words, "See you and thank you for the beautiful photo.".

 My head began to think once more once I left the wealthy neighborhood. She lets me go for the time being without explaining what she meant by all of this. I'll steal two beers from the next vending machine, along with the explanation for the photo and the way she bids me farewell as if we would meet again. I then leave the house and head to the park where I sit by the lake on a bench and consider my cell phone. I search through the menus on my cell phone, but I can't find anything, no new programs, none have vanished either, and she hasn't accessed her personal information either. Then, what did she do? Was she a Trojan? No, I would have noticed that. I'll just reset the phone to be on the safe side. I return home after that to sleep well.
The following morning I get dressed, take a shower, and turn on my laptop. After setting up everything there and online, I leave to get some breakfast. I go on my routine tour and steal everything I require. I know it's not the proper English way, but I have to eat because I'm hungry. The day seems to go by so slowly until I realize it is Saturday. As soon as possible, get some food for tomorrow and let's head home because the weather is becoming too chilly for me as well. The woman calls me again on the way home, asking if I really believe there will be any successors, but I cheer myself up so I can sleep better at night.
My cell phone rings the following morning while I'm eating breakfast, and I see an unknown number on the display. The fear and panic spread throughout my body as I wince and become immobile. The cell phone stops ringing and an MMS comes in. Is this the couple from the villa, the police, or someone else taking revenge? Hell, it's a text message and a photo the man took inside the mansion. In 15 minutes, I'll give you another call, so I hope you'll be dressed and washed. Otherwise. I quickly brushed my teeth, washed, and put on my clothes after realizing that it was obvious, and at that precise moment, my cell phone rang. A woman's voice welcomes me, "A beautiful Sunday morning. I'm waiting in a purple compact car in the parking lot below. That's what she did with my cell phone, she spied on me, so get down quickly and get in! But since the police and the court already know who I am, I have no choice. Therefore, the decision was made: "Should I go to jail or the car?" There was nothing else for me to do but leave the apartment and get in the car. I say hello to the woman as I get in on the passenger side, and she drives off. "Nah, you; I'm a friend of the person you attempted to rob. Oh, and you don't have to be scared. If you're good, nothing bad will happen to you, she says, winking at me. I didn't know how to respond to that either, so I asked, "What does that mean?". As a result, while my companion grinned the entire ride, I remained silent. I realized we are at the villa when she finally stopped and stopped to ask me out. I was invited to follow by the woman's friend. She showed me to the dining room and allowed me to take a seat at the table. I didn't know what else to do. The woman of the house then came into the room, gave me a quick glance, and smiled before sitting across from me and her friend to her right. "I'm grateful, Simone. ", the lady of the house told her friend. And now to you," she added, reaching for two folders and a pen that were already on the table as she spoke to me a little urgently. She pushed one of the envelopes in my direction while setting the pen in front of us, ready to use. Then she commanded me, literally, to "Open and read!" I did so. A contract was delivered to me. that concerns confidentiality. In other words, nothing that happens between me and "Frau Dr. medical Sonja-Jasmin Muldenkamp" should be made public. The bottom of the contract has three lines for the signatures of the contract giver, contractor, and contract witness. What's that supposed to mean now? Then Simone told me what would happen if I didn't fill out the contract: "If you fill out the contract, you get the second envelope; otherwise, you can leave with unknown repercussions. Consider your actions carefully. Damn, I guess I'll just have to fill it in. As a result, I typed "Roman Weber" in block capitals as my name in the space left by the contractor's signature. Then, Mrs. Dot Dr. final witness was the girlfriend, who was on the contracting line. Simone then repositioned the pen so that it was directly between the three of us. Although Mrs. took the sports bag from the burglary out. She emptied the contents onto the table and arranged them somewhat. The fact that only one laptop is still there means a great deal to me; otherwise, everything I wanted to steal is still there. After that, Frau Dr. began lecturing: "It's very interesting what you wanted to steal and where you hang out. As luck would have it, I started my vacation yesterday, so I had some quiet time to look up information about you with my girlfriend. Thanks to your cell phone's GPS tracking, we were able to follow you for a short time. You were stealing groceries, we later learned. What we subsequently captured in pictures and videos. However, I must admit that I'm impressed with how long you remained outside in the cold and that you escaped detection. You are resilient and can withstand a lot. I couldn't figure out why you were stealing women's clothing, a woman's perfume, and cutlery at first, but then I looked you up on the internet. There, you are registered under the pseudonym "Foxy-Isabella" in a number of transgender forums and communities. But let's face it, you're not crafty and you don't look like an Isabella either! Then I understood what you needed the materials for. But I can assure you of one thing: neither the clothing nor the perfume fit you. I could imagine that your PC is no longer working properly and you now need a new one so that you can keep up with all of your communities and forums, but why would you need three laptops? But I'll offer you a suggestion: since you won't have access to a computer or a phone for the entire next week and will therefore be without internet, my girlfriend and I will educate you and make you into a attractive woman. There is enough time for the three of us since I have two weeks off and my husband is away for additional training until next Sunday. How about a warm roof over your head, enough food, and the fulfillment of your dream of feminization? hand me the second envelope, I open it, and take out a multi-page contract that reads, "Contract for the upbringing and feminization of............ by Dr. medical Sonja-Jasmin Muldenkamp!" I scan the contract, and since it initially seems very humane, I write my name on the blank line and sign it. then Simone reappeared as a witness.

 Things can begin as soon as the contract is put away. I'm being searched by Simone as she takes everything out of my coat and pant pockets. My cell phone is then turned off and seized, along with my wallet's contents, which include all of my keys, ID, and papers. The items are then locked in Miss Dr.'s safe. Then, in the study, I receive a medical examination from Frau Dr., during which I must be examined from head to toe while completely naked. Simone is instructed to pack my belongings carefully and neatly by Frau Dr. in the interim. Again, she does it quickly and without saying anything. As if she were Frau Dr.'s servant, whether she is or would be. My train of thought from Dr. gets interrupted as I for the first time wonder, "What exactly did I sign?" I feel a little queasy. You seem fairly tidy and well-groomed for such a poor girl, and I see that you frequently go to the doctor. You're a decent catch, but I can tell from the way you look and the minor physical flaws that you have that you've already been through life, even though you're still fairly young and crisp. long overdue. Then she commanded: "Simone, the pink floral bathrobe, but hurry!" She hurriedly obtained the bathrobe and then had to put it on and tie it for me, with a bow in the belt. Simone was then given the instructions to clean me up, get ready for what was about to happen, and find appropriate clothing. She needs to clearly define herself for me, as well as what she must do and should not do.
After guiding me into the restroom, Simone removed and hung up my bathrobe. Simone then took off my clothes and led me into the spacious shower. She turned on the water and adjusted the temperature. Her pussy antlers caught my eye as I was watching her. Simone told me: "I got that from my mistress Sonja. I got those from her when I was looking at her pussy antlers. As a slave, friend, and good servant, I earned it. The sign says I can and must be there for you around-the-clock, every day of the week, all year long—and now, in part, for you, my love. After that, she set the women's shower gel and bath sponge aside, knelt down in front of me, and started sucking and licking my cock. And what about anal?" I jokingly questioned Halber. "I'd love to," she obediently responded. Then she quickly turned around and painfully rammed my hard cock into her butt. She then sucked on my cock while groaning, "Oh yes, take me with your girl cock. Oh my gosh, look at that long, thick, horny clit! Fuck me hard and deep in my ass, don't pay any attention to me! Jjaaaaa, harder, deeper, harder! I couldn't quite resist making such a statement, so I took it hard. "oooohhh jjaaaaa, let it hurt, ooohh yeah that feels good, mmmmmhhhh!". Dr. entered the restroom at this point and was glad to see us there since we had already met. In addition, she insisted on vigorously rubbing and pulling Simone's clitoris and nipples between her fingers. Her chubby buttocks continued to slap my hips until they became scorching hot because it made Simone crazy wild. When she turned around and started blowing me again, she stretched her red buttocks in the air for Dr. to gently stroke the red patches. After that, it settled down so slowly again. Oh my little maid, I'm a little disappointed in you, the woman said. Because I would have preferred you to inform our newest family member about our hierarchy, what you are there for, what it is allowed and what it is not before you make yourself submissively available. I noticed Simone was no longer licking or making other customary blowing motions; instead, she appeared to confuse my cock with a swollen breast of milk. "And what does a woman do with a naughty, horny maid?" I thought. She started sucking like a breast out of nowhere, and I quickly realized why. Miss Dr. has one hand between Simone's buttocks and has mercilessly pushed the entire hand into Simone's buttocks before yanking it out again in a tight fist. Which she pulled out and repeatedly pulled back in, repeatedly. Yes, she used her fist to fuck Simone's bottom, which caused Simone to suck, breathe, and moan more forcefully. My cock was in danger of bursting when it finally stopped throbbing so intensely. I found it challenging to follow the doctor's instructions when she said, "See that you're done, because I want to talk to the new girl!" After all, I don't even have a name anymore, and she's already acting very strangely. Simone dressed me in my coat, dried me off, and led the way to my new room while I waited. Although the room is more sparse than grand, the colors and furniture gave it a feminine feel. Simone pushed me toward the bed after the initial admiration because I needed to lie down. She left the room for a brief period of time, and when she returned, she had something brown in a pot with her. Because she was already rubbing the warm substance on my skin, she gave me a brief but concise explanation of sugaring at that point. However, she pulled my hair out before I could start to get scared, which caused me to scream. What an unpleasant sensation, damn it. On my remaining body parts, what should be repeated. After that, Simone massaged me with a calming body lotion, which helped to calm me down considerably. After applying face cream to calm the skin, she shaved my beard, including the shadows underneath. Simone was very skilled at that, as if she had learned how to shave and depilate. But now it continued, bathrobe on and off, to Dr.'s wardrobe, where the memories of the burglary night came flooding back to me. I gathered myself once more and observed Simone looking for something to wear on me. It wasn't simple, but she managed to locate a long black wrap skirt, a gray knit sweater, black cotton pants with a matching bra, and a pair of less cozy pink and white athletic shoes. I went to Frau Dr. in that attire, which made me extremely uneasy because no one had ever seen me participate in women's affairs. I was pleased to see that, Miss Dr., and it made me a little braver. She then told me to remove my skirt and sweater, which made me a little uneasy because I didn't know what would happen next. She examined me, pulled down my pants, and looked at every nook and cranny of my body until there wasn't a hair left to be seen anywhere. She was pleased that her maid was performing well once more.
Now that your training has started, "Sophie, do you understand that from now on I'm just aunt Sonja for you, and you are my niece, Sophie-Marie Muldenkamp," said Dr. in a normal voice. I immediately grasped Aunt Soya's remark and corrected it, "Yes, Aunt Sonja. "I'm glad you're quick on the uptake," Aunt Sonja said.
Turn around, bend down, and spread your legs a little. My aunt said, "Since your education starts now, there is a small course in anatomy," as she put on two rubber gloves and got a cream. After that, my aunt very passionately creamed my buttocks, between the buttocks and my penis. I started to sigh slightly because it was so gentle and pleasant. Naturally, my aunt noticed this, and she immediately focused entirely on my glans, rubbing, fingering, and stroking it. "Since you are my niece from today, I.," she said as she started teaching me. e. The term "penis" is no longer acceptable among females. Your glans has changed into a clitoris or clit. Your labia are located on your foreskin. Your fallopian tube serves as your erectile tissue. Your ovaries are your testicles and eggs. And the penis is now simply referred to as a girl's cock, a girl's cock, a lady's scepter, a lady's cock, a sissycock, a tranny cock, a clitoris penis, or a clitoris penis. Since every good niece should be comfortable to walk on, there is only one thing left to add: a vagina. Your vagina, which is made up of your intestines and anus, is hidden between your full buttocks. It will no longer be referred to by any other names for you; only analvagina, cunt, asshole, and pomuschi. Now that it's time, I realize that feminization isn't a dream and that this is all happening in reality, and there is no going back. So let me see how far you've come as a woman!" So now that it's time, there is no turning back. But wait, what does my aunt mean when she says that I've advanced in womanhood? I should immediately know. I then observed how a creamed glove liberally creamed my Popuschi. I began moaning once more as the other hand continued to massage my clit while experiencing a feminine horniness. My aunt then began fucking my po pussy with one finger while fingering me. "Oh yes cool!" I moaned, "Aunt Sonja, please give me more!" "I'd love to, my darling!" And there was already a second and then a third finger in me, which fucked me faster and faster, so fast that the fourth finger slipped into my Popuschi all by itself . Now half a hand is already fucking me, penetrating deeper and deeper with each thrust, and despite the prickling pain, it'. I had just finished wailing when my thumb pierced my cunt. "Oh aaahh, yes cool, ssaaahh ooohh!". A reflex kicked in and I rammed my Pomuschi against the hand that was fucking me, despite the fact that my cunt was beginning to hurt. My aunt's entire hand drove deeply into my po-pussy as she screamed, "Aaaaahh, yeah, deeper!". Yes, fuck me!" was what I said. My aunt fucked me with her fist and a portion of her forearm because she saw this as an opportunity to take me hard. Both a wonderful and painful sensation coexisted in that moment. But after a while, my cunt grew so wide that the fist once more surfaced. This is no reason to stop, though, as my aunt has now begun to fist-fuck me in and out. which left my rosette feeling incredibly horny. There was an unbelievably horny tingling sensation that I couldn't get enough of every time the fist passed by my rosette. Yes, it is extremely addictive, but my pussy can no longer tolerate it due to the pain. I pushed against the penetrating fist each time my aunt's fucking motion picked up speed so that she could penetrate pretty deeply, wetting my clit and dripping moisture down my leg. Naturally, this is what my aunt saw, so she pushed her fist deep into me and rubbed my clit. "No, you're now a woman because today's ceremony.". How did you experience your first female orgasm? "Oh, dearest aunt, I've never been able to feel anything hotter. " "Really? - That was only the start! Just wait until you've sucked your first cock and allowed a man to fuck you. You will then encounter much hotter things. "You know that, dear aunt," I retorted, "but no one has told me what you have in mind for me. I only know that I'm supposed to be feminized. Oh no, here comes the nausea again. "Oh Sophie-Marie, you signed the contract! Yes, the contract; I'm not even sure what I signed. My aunt promised to enlighten me, but all she said was, "My dearest niece, here is the short version for you. The agreement stated that I would feminize you as much as possible and to the best of my abilities. To become my gorgeous, feminine niece, you must follow my orders. You have the right to use my maid's services as long as you are good, so I've agreed to grant you a small privilege. Furthermore, if you receive a good upbringing, you will eventually be granted more freedoms. But aunt, won't that take longer than a week or two? "Oh my clever niece. My aim is to give you a fully feminine life!". I never said that you should only remain here for a couple of weeks. Why do you have your own room now? - This is supposed to be your own little kingdom. If your upbringing continues, you will eventually have to move in with me. You will eventually experience physical and psychological feminization, which will have the effect of feminizing every aspect of your life. Thus, a manly apartment is no longer appropriate for you. So, get dressed once more!" I changed back into my pants, skirt, and sweater. I was then picked up by the maid and brought to my room. Which is a smart move considering how exhausted I am after such a long and busy day. The room's maid Simone undressed me; the shoes, knit sweater, bra, and wrap skirt vanished; I was replaced with a long, pink nightgown; and then we went to bed. Then Simone told me: "You will have a very long and eventful day tomorrow. I'll spend the night with you if you'd like, wishing you peaceful dreams and a restful sleep. "Yes, please. As soon as I responded, Simone undressed, climbed into bed, and removed my panties. She then sucked, she licked, she nibbled, and she gently massaged my cunt with her hand until I fell asleep completely exhausted and horny.




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