It was one of those evenings that have become quite rare for us in recent years: hot and humid and downright oppressive. During the day the sun had pounded down on the city relentlessly, and now it is taking its revenge with an unbearable tropical climate. The clock was approaching midnight, but it was just too hot to go to sleep.
Since I had taken the next day off for a visit to the dredging lake, I wasn't at all eager to fall into the trap in which I would only sweat, and so I took my usual walk into the fields and the railroad area. I hoped it was at least a little cooler there.
The way there leads through a small allotment garden colony, past a digger hole, which has now been declared a nature reserve, but which is also repeatedly misused for bathing at night. Maybe I should cool down a bit too, I thought to myself, it couldn't hurt. So I took the footpath through the allotment gardens, where some people probably live all year round, took the turnoff to the left to the lake area and first looked down over the slope to the lake to see if there were people there. It seemed quiet though. The water lay calm and peaceful between the bank slopes, only occasionally did I hear a soft splash from a duck or the swans that had settled here. So, get down, your pants and T-shirt down and into the cool water!
You couldn't swim properly here, because the water just went up to your belly button, but the cooling was just great! In this weather there was simply nothing better than wallowing in the water, bare to the toes. Maybe with a bathing mermaid who was also naked, I remembered.
The situation here alone and naked in the water had its charm. The imagination was uninhibited during the night and I could think of all sorts of women who could share my free body bath. I remembered the tall, dark woman I had recently seen at the nudist lake: her age might be in her late forties or maybe fifty, but she was still very much so that she looked much younger, only the wrinkles on her neck revealed her real age. She was slim, but armed with large, firm breasts. Her face was extremely pretty and open, she had a certain pride in it, which immediately took back her nakedness and made her almost aloof. Her complexion, like her hair, was quite dark, tanned from the sun. Now I remembered her legs: With relish, I let my inner eye slide from her cracking bum down her strong and firm thighs, past her beautifully shaped calves, down to her ankles, until I finally reached her feet and her toes. I remembered painting her toes red, a color that went extremely well with her brown complexion. Her lips were also discreetly made up, and she had probably put on such make-up - if at all - that a layman like me could hardly notice. In general, everything about her was of an elegance and simplicity, indeed a certain refinement and superiority, which made her an extremely erotic personality not only in terms of appearance, but also in terms of her demeanor. past her shapely calves, down to her ankles, until I finally got to her feet and toes. I remembered painting her toes red, a color that went extremely well with her brown complexion. Her lips were also discreetly made up, and she had probably put on such make-up - if at all - that as a layman like me, one could hardly notice. In general, everything about her was of an elegance and simplicity, indeed a certain refinement and superiority, which made her an extremely erotic personality not only in terms of appearance, but also in terms of her demeanor. past her shapely calves, down to her ankles, until I finally got to her feet and toes. I remembered painting her toes red, a color that went extremely well with her brown complexion. Her lips were also discreetly made up, and she had probably put on such make-up - if at all - that as a layman like me, one could hardly notice. In general, everything about her was of an elegance and simplicity, indeed a certain refinement and superiority, which made her an extremely erotic personality not only in terms of appearance, but also in terms of her demeanor. that she had painted her toes red, a color that went extremely well with her brown complexion. Her lips were also discreetly made up, and she had probably put on such make-up - if at all - that a layman like me could hardly notice. In general, everything about her was of an elegance and simplicity, indeed a certain refinement and superiority, which made her an extremely erotic personality not only in terms of appearance, but also in terms of her demeanor. that she had painted her toes red, a color that went extremely well with her brown complexion. Her lips were also discreetly made up, and she had probably put on such make-up - if at all - that a layman like me could hardly notice. In general, everything about her was of an elegance and simplicity, indeed a certain refinement and superiority, which made her an extremely erotic personality not only in terms of appearance but also in terms of her demeanor.
When I imagined my dream of a woman naked, walking around the lake with only her sandals on, when I continued to imagine how she opened and closed her thighs with the rhythm of walking and her feminine parts became visible for fractions of a second I noticed with half consciousness how an erection was developing in me. So I stood up to my thighs in the water and saw how my penis stretched and stretched and slowly but steadily grew out into the night. My testicles began to tingle and a warm chill ran down my spine. What would I have given to have this woman here in front of me!
I turned to make sure no one was watching me. Without really noticing it, I had one hand on my penis, which was now becoming increasingly stiff and its circumference grew more and more. Despite the cool water, I got warm. One hand scratched my testicles, the other was busy with my penis, clutching its shaft and rubbing it slowly but constantly, making it stiffer and stiffer and hotter to me.
I imagined the wonderful woman again, walking to the lake in her sandals, leaving her there on the bank and carefully stepping into the water. I got the impression that she even looked over at me for a second as she passed my berth. I had just turned thirty and was still quite young and plump, so it didn't seem unusual for women to look after me. And so I got up - hesitantly - and ran after her at a cautious distance. I could see them again and again the water to the body ******* sas she went further into the lake. At some distance I waded through the water, but immediately threw myself in so that I could swim ahead and see her from the front. She had just gotten inside to her knees, still splashing carefully, as if she had been vaguely afraid of the water. She noticed me and looked at me pensively for a moment. A shiver ran down my spine, I remembered it well.
These thoughts not only made me warm, but my hand also moved in a more violent rhythm. I felt a little creepy, because the place where I was standing was clearly visible from everywhere, and I could be quite ridiculous if someone noticed me. So I knelt in the water so that my sex came under the surface. He was stiff and hard now, and he was pressing me with tremendous power to please him.
Suddenly I heard a splash a hundred meters away!
I stopped as if struck by lightning and stopped my lustful movements. When I looked back, towards the embankment, I actually saw a shadow moving out of the water towards the bank. What constituted this shadow and where it had been before was a mystery to me. It must have been covered by bushes on a headland the whole time. It looked very much like a human being. At this thought my erection immediately collapsed, all the beautiful dreams and illusions that I had had during the minutes evaporated and I only thought of one thing: I hope he didn't see me masturbate!
The shadow had now reached the bank, and it was indeed human: neither a dog nor a duck have two legs, walk upright, even if stooped, and are at least 1.70 tall! But obviously it was also an illegal bathing person, and this thought also calmed me down a bit, because we didn't do anything to each other and hopefully left each other alone.
I had come to the conclusion that I had cooled down enough and also ran back towards the bank. The shadow, which could now be seen more and more clearly because the area on which it was now standing was a little better lit by the embankment, also looked over at me. He or she was probably just as shocked as I was, I thought. Although it really wasn't unusual for people to hang around here at night.
The other swimmer had one thing ahead of me: a bath towel. I could tell so much now that he or she was drying himself or herself with a large towel, although unfortunately I hadn't taken anything with me, since the idea of night swimming had only occurred to me while walking. So I jumped around awkwardly on the spot to dry myself in the air, not bothering at all that I was naked. I thought I noticed now that the stranger must be a woman. Because with the figure, her large breasts could not remain hidden from me. Immediately my mood rose again, and I imagined my dream woman from the bathing lake again, imagined it was she who dried herself up there, traced her lips and held a wild love orgy with me in the bushes. However, I had to be careful not to get a new erection at the thought, a condition that was not exactly appropriate. Or rather, it was inappropriate at the moment.
While I was still hopping around on the bank and the water just didn't want to run off, so that I could get into my clothes again, the woman was already finished with her toilet, had put on a summer dress (unfortunately I hadn't paid attention to whether she had something underneath wore) and came running towards me! I was a bit worried after all, after all, I was stark naked and not used to such a situation, even if as a nudist I like to show myself naked. But now - in the middle of the night?
When the woman came closer, I took my pants and held them in front of my genitals, so that I wouldn't become completely ridiculous. She had courage, the woman, I thought, after all it was late at night, we were in a big city and I was a man. Well, maybe she thought: a naked man can do nothing? Her features became more and more recognizable, and suddenly it went through my head who I saw walking towards me with a sweeping step - I could hardly believe my eyes, but that had to be her: the dream woman of Baggersee!
I immediately started to tremble because it couldn't really be! Was I dreaming, maybe I fell asleep in the water while masturbating and now had a wet dream about dark-haired naked women around 50? Because such a coincidence was simply not possible! How was this wonderful woman supposed to get there at midnight and here at this godforsaken digging hole? I had never seen her in our area, and I would surely have noticed her! No, that just couldn't be true! It had to be a ghost, a mirage, a delusion!
But the woman was getting closer and closer, and she really seemed to be flesh and blood. However, as her features became more and more visible, I also became calmer again. Because I was simply mistaken. This woman did indeed look like the woman I had dreamed of all along, but she wasn't. My view of the world was restored to some extent, because I simply cannot believe in such coincidences. Dreams may come true in fairy tales, but not at our quarry pond!
But at least this woman looked very good too! She also had dark hair, but was a little lighter in the face, as far as that could be made out. She seemed quite tall for a woman, slim or rather strong, but well built, and her well-proportioned breasts were clearly visible under her thin dress, a fact that I noticed first. Her age, like the woman from the nudist lake, might be in her mid or late forties; an age that I particularly value in women and at which they develop their particular blossoming and maturity.
Since I was naked anyway and therefore automatically the weaker one, I decided to make a friendly start and say hello. I felt a bit ridiculous: there was a much older woman standing at midnight on the lake shore by a bush and talking to me, to whom I was not wearing any clothes. It was a situation that doesn't happen every day, and I just couldn't hide a slight tremor.
"Good evening!" I called out to her in a slightly compressed voice.
She said hello and stopped in front of me. She had a kind and very pretty face, but her eyes seemed to be making fun of me. All in all, however, or so it seemed to me, I seemed to be making a very good impression on the stranger.
"You have to put on something, otherwise you will catch a cold!" she advised me and examined my body carefully. Since I am very well-mannered, I let her scrutinizing gaze pass over me, yes, I really enjoyed it when she looked at me so intensely.
"Unfortunately I didn't take a towel with me, because the idea of going swimming only occurred to me on the way here. And I don't want to get wet in my clothes!"
She rummaged in her beach bag, which she had slung around her neck, and handed me her towel. "Here you take it! It's already damp, but still better than nothing!"
With a connoisseur's eye and an intense feeling of happiness, I took the terry, because her body had just dried off and her smell had clearly stuck to it: the smell of a beautiful and sensual woman, it passed through me. When she talked about moisture, I could only think of a certain moisture!
I threw my pants on the floor. So I stood completely naked in front of her, but she did not look discreetly in another direction, but unabashedly watched me as I slowly dried my body. My member was no longer in top form as it was in the lake, but it had largely calmed down and taken a liking to the figure of the woman. So it was easily aroused and hung from me for a certain, notable length, even standing an inch away from me. So I could definitely be seen, and so I wasn't at all eager to get into my clothes as quickly as possible, so I dried myself off rather extensively and comfortably. I wiped my penis and everything that had grown around it very carefully. It seemed to me as if she was watching all this with great interest, while we spoke a few words together. She told me that she owned a garden plot here and that she was spending a few summer days here, that she had used the quiet night to refresh herself properly. We both seemed so pleased with the situation; she probably liked my masculine attributes and a conversation anyway. She went on to say that she had only noticed me on the bank, although there was a certain, faint glimmer in her eyes when she mentioned this more casually. Well, I thought quietly to myself, if that's not true, then she must have seen a lot. Did she like it and moved her to come over to me? that she owns a plot of land here and spends a few summer days here, that she used the quiet night to refresh herself properly. We both seemed so pleased with the situation; she probably liked my masculine attributes and a conversation anyway. She went on to say that she had only noticed me on the bank, although there was a certain, faint glimmer in her eyes when she mentioned this more casually. Well, I thought quietly to myself, if that's not true, then she must have seen a lot. Did she like it and moved her to come over to me? that she owns a plot of land here and spends a few summer days here, that she used the quiet night to refresh herself properly. We both seemed so pleased with the situation; she probably liked my masculine attributes and a conversation anyway. She went on to say that she had only noticed me on the bank, although there was a certain, faint glimmer in her eyes when she mentioned this more casually. Well, I thought quietly to myself, if that's not true, then she must have seen a lot. Did she like it and moved her to come over to me? she probably liked my masculine attributes and a conversation anyway. She went on to say that she had only noticed me on the bank, although there was a certain, faint glimmer in her eyes when she mentioned this more casually. Well, I thought quietly to myself, if that's not true, then she must have seen a lot. Did she like it and moved her to come over to me? she probably liked my masculine attributes and a conversation anyway. She went on to say that she had only noticed me on the bank, although there was a certain, faint glimmer in her eyes when she mentioned this more casually. Well, I thought quietly to myself, if that's not true, then she must have seen a lot. Did she like it and moved her to come over to me?
Anyway, I couldn't hesitate any longer to get dressed again. I quickly had my T-shirt and shorts on and handed her her helpful towel with a "Thank you".
Chatting confidentially, as if we were old acquaintances, we approached the slope and now had to climb up. That was of course the chance of the hour! Because the ascent was not that easy, because there was no footpath for understandable reasons, as entry was forbidden anyway. So I took her hand and helped her up the hill. What a feeling when our hands touched! Her palms were wet with sweat, and that sweat certainly didn't come from the sultry night! I perceived her sweat like an elixir of love, and when we were almost at the top I had to grab her by the hip because she seemed to trip. She looked at me gratefully. Her waist was soft and immensely feminine, but her buttocks were strong but not fat. That was a gigantic feeling being able to touch her at the base of her butt! It was getting hot and cold, and I would have loved to take her in my arms and kiss her right away. I felt that she felt this as much as I did. And so I thought about how the night would go on.
We walked back through the allotment gardens and it was quiet and peaceful everywhere. Without noticing it, she walked very close to me, so that the fabric of her summer dress occasionally brushed my arm. I just had to stretch out my hand and touch her body. The closeness of this woman was also good for my penis. He felt free and unbound in his sports pants, in the company of this beautiful woman, and so I felt how unabashedly he became a little hard. Anyone could have seen a slight bulge on my pants immediately.
Finally we stood in front of their garden property. I noticed how she was looking for words, how embarrassed she wanted to offer me exactly what I wanted most myself. I relieved her embarrassment and suggested that they have another drink at her place. She agreed unusually quickly. I could really see how relieved she was, and I also noticed a slight tremor all over my body.
She unlocked the garden door and led me into her little house. It was quite roomy for a garden shed, one story of course; but had a small hallway, a kitchen and a living room. The electric light was a bit dim and not very pleasant, so after opening a bottle of wine she suggested that we light candles.
"It's late at night when this lightbulb is downright destroying the mood!"
The light was quickly extinguished, only three candles sparsely lit the small living room of Christa's bungalow. In the meantime we had introduced ourselves and so I had not only found out her name, but we had immediately offered the "you". We sat together on the small sofa in the room, which she said also served as a bed. You can imagine that my penis really appreciated the pleasant situation with Christa on the couch, and so it had developed even further and had swollen to a sizable bulge in my pants. When I finally put my hand on Christa's back, he was jumping in his shorts for joy and began to make himself felt a little painfully, as he was downright eager to get some fresh air and to be looked at by Christa.
"But we have to toast our 'you'!" I suggested. My proposal fell on fertile ground, and so we toasted each other and sealed our talk vous with a gentle kiss. In the meantime my hand had made itself comfortable on her dress so that I could caress her back very gently and tenderly. What a beautiful, arousing woman, I thought, what super big hips, what powerful thighs, and above all: what gorgeous, large, round breasts that stood out from behind her dress in an appetizing way! After our kiss we met each other's eyes for a long time while my hand continued to massage her back. Her eyes flashed and could no longer hide her feminine sensuality. She was now sharp and aroused wanted me and my cock and wanted to give her body for me. We kissed again, but this kiss was much deeper and longer. We hugged.
Suddenly all spell was broken: our mouths opened and penetrated each other. Her tongue hit my tongue, penetrated my mouth, our lips touched, pressed against each other, we licked each other, I thrust my tongue into her oral cavity like a phallus, looked for her tongue, we circled each other, licked the other's lips, offered us, let us ***** where the other wanted to go.
Her hands slid up and down my body, tucked under my shirt and pressed into my flesh. I greedily grabbed her tits and kneaded them over her dress. Man, those were wonderful breasts, full and plump meat, the nipples have become hard like my cock, big and incredibly exciting. I nervously fiddled with them with my fingers, grabbed them, kneaded them, twirled them through the fabric while we kissed and licked each other and they only yelped with relish every now and then when I had squeezed their nipples particularly hard.
Finally I was able to deal with her thighs, which were bulging and strong under the summer dress. It had already moved up a few centimeters in the heat of the battle and offered me a breathtaking view of her beautiful, shapely legs. These thighs! As thick and firm as an athlete and yet again very feminine round, a firework of hot meat that laughed at me. Immediately I had my hand on them and pushed their dress further up. As I hoped it had nothing underneath! My cock leapt for joy in his shorts and I almost thought it was going to burst.
My hand was now on her shapely bottom, which I now brought into the dim light.
"Do you like me?" She whispered. I nodded and licked her lips with my tongue in response. She, in turn, seemed to have shed all inhibitions and tucked her dress up over her navel, spread her beautiful plump thighs and let her vagina, which had been neatly shaved off, into the light. Immediately I had a finger in her. She yelped.
"Yes, yes, that's good. Do it to me, Wolfgang!"
A wonderful sight, I can tell you! This beautiful, sensual woman, whom I had only met an hour before, now offered all her charms in the most revealing and shameless way. And I, horny as I was, of course accepted everything she offered me. Her vagina was wet and soft and finally wanted to have my cock inside. Christa, now full of impatience, pulled down my shorts and released my cock to immediately take it in her hand and massage it.
"Come to me, wolf, come to me with your thing ..."
I looked at her, looked at her ***** and my cock as she held it in her hand. We kissed wildly again and finally I took my finger out of her pussy and she immediately led the hard one inside.
"Oh, I need that now ... I haven't had one for a long time!"
Christa lay down on the sofa, legs apart, and I, my cock already in her, over her. She was still holding my testicles and kneading them.
"That's a good thing, Christa, that's a good thing ..." I exclaimed delighted and began to **** her wildly . She howled and moved her lower body in time with me. Her thighs were around me, and her hands were now on my bottom, which she pulled toward her with all her strength when I penetrated her and pushed back when I got another thrust.
After just a few bumps, Christa began to sigh wildly and howl. "Yes, Wolf, do it, I want you, I want you ... I'll be right there, I'll be right ..."
A few more thrusts and she screamed in ecstasy. "Yes!", She shouted out into the silent night, "Yes", and again and again "Yes!" I pushed with all my might and she whimpered and howled like a severed pig. That's what a woman must be like, I thought, an animal from a woman who has everything, who does everything, who drives you crazy and goes crazy yourself!
Her temper made it so that I too came after a very short time and dumped all my semen, which I could not get rid of at the lake, into her. Again and again the fountains came from me herausge *******, again and again this incredibly hot feeling of orgasm, and again and again she cheered me on with her sighs and hot comments. "Spray me full," she hissed hornily, "spray your juice into me, you horny animal, make me wet, make me wet ..." And I made her wet! I let load after load run into her, and only slowly did I calm down.
Finally we separated our bodies again and sat exhausted on the sofa. I kept my hand on her thighs, which continued to fascinate me, and she too gently caressed my right leg. We looked each other in love.
"That wasn't bad, was it?" I laughed. She laughed back and kissed me.
"I did the right thing to invite you to my place!" she answered. "I haven't had a lap like this for a long time. Such a great lap!"
She poured another glass of wine, which we greedily tipped. "I want to see you naked, Christa," I said finally. Because I had only felt her breasts, but not looked at them. Without saying a word, she pulled her summer dress over her head and was now sitting naked in front of me with her beautiful full breasts. "But you too," she asked me. I wasn't told twice, and with one jerk I took off my pants and shirt. My tail was much smaller now, but it was still in a certain be careful position.
We spent the rest of the night naked and in a good mood on the sofa, toasted each other a few more times and had absolutely no desire to go to sleep. During our conversation I kept holding either her breasts or her thighs in my fingers, or I stroked her labia a little, which she just presented to me naked, which she repeatedly supported by simply spreading her thighs. For me it was always an invitation to take care of her sexual organ, it just needed tenderness and affection. I did that extensively. I played long and persistently with her clitoris while she scratched my now grown pint in her hand.
But we didn't really think about sleeping together again. Because our manual work filled us up completely during the night. I brought her to orgasm twice in this way: simply by working her cute clit with my index finger. I also had an orgasm again, and this time I just ******* the semen on her body, which she willingly held out to me.
I can tell you: I've rarely seen such a great night! Towards morning, however, we were both quite exhausted, and she offered me to sleep in her hut for the day. We pulled out the couch and lay so naked and content cuddled together in her bed.
We slept into the afternoon. We woke up almost at the same time, and without saying a word, she had already thrown back the comforter and offered me her body with her thighs wide apart. I immediately had a stiff pipe and did not want to miss this offer, especially since she already had it in her hands and gently pulled on her sex. Her labia were naked and shameless, and it took no effort whatsoever to put my cock between the arched flesh dunes.
Our morning sex - sorry: afternoon sex - was again short and violent, and I pumped all the semen I still had in me into her. For a long time I lay on her body with my member inside her. She really craved my penis, wanted to be screwed by him for hours, as she told me.
But the most beautiful hours go by, and I too had to go again - so towards evening. You can imagine that we saw her vacation almost every day - or rather at night - and of course slept above all with each other.
Friday, July 9, 2021
Night swimmer
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